Vincent's Speeches and Videos


Most speakers are boring. While that's acceptable for a big-name corporate speaker it's death for most seminars and tradeshows.

Vincent is not another boring speaker.

I'm Not Another Boring Speaker.

As one Fortune 100 company executive stated, "(Vincent's) an extremely entertaining speaker who provides clarity through hilarity -- educating an audience while entertaining them." Vincent also provides more "serious" (well, they're still not boring) seminars and training on web design.


Catch me in action (link opens new window).

The Speeches/Videos page

About Vincent Flanders

About This Site

Published Writings


My current interest is fundraising management with an emphasis on major gifts, prospect research and grant writing, but I've spent most of my career in other areas.

While I've worked as a marketer, webmaster, and direct mail/database specialist, writing has been my background for over twenty years. Here are some samples.

Access to Wang Magazine.

I spent a number of years (1984-1990) working for what ended up being known as Access to Wang, a vertical market computer magazine that covered the Wang minicomputer marketplace. Here are some of the Special Reports and articles I wrote.


I've written two best-selling books on web design that definitely aren't boring.